3 Types of Siding Replacement To Choose From
Your siding is your home’s first defense against the elements. Winter storms and summer heat constantly try to enter your house, but your home continues to keep you safe, cool, and dry. After many years of protecting your home, the siding can wear down, seams can split, and dents can appear. When that happens, you can choose from three different types of siding replacement.
Cedar shake, panaboard, plank, and several other types of siding have made a comeback in the past few years. Beautiful in color, but difficult to install, the cedar has an elegance that other types of siding do not. Maintenance is high for cedar siding replacement because it is a natural product that can curl from moisture, develop moss problems, and fade over time. Cedar siding lasts about 30 years between replacements.
Vinyl replacement siding is the most commonly used in America. With some companies offering lifetime warranties, it is difficult to find a better deal with other types. Since vinyl can expand and contract with the weather, caulking between joints and under edges is used to seal the panels. Companies recommend replacing the caulking at least every 10 years to prevent critter invasions.
One of the quickest to install, the aluminum siding is growing in popularity, though you must be careful with the panels because they can dent and scratch rather easily. The aluminum installation uses a seamless method that locks each piece together so that replacement can be difficult. One of the most popular aluminum siding replacement styles is a pressed pattern that looks just like cedar shakes.
At the first sign of damage to your home’s exterior, contact a siding company and talk to a professional installer about what options best fit your area’s weather patterns. If you protect your home with new siding, your home can protect you for many more years to come.