Repairing vs. Replacing Your Windows

Your windows play a huge part in your home’s overall efficiency, a fact which you’ve probably become familiar with in your time as a homeowner. These thin but imperative barriers against the outside world are particularly crucial during the winter months, when cold threatens to leak into your home and give your energy costs an unwanted boost. That’s why it’s important to keep your windows in top shape throughout the year. However, the decision between repairing or simply replacing your windows with a new one can be difficult, especially if you’ve never dealt with the issue before. Thankfully, there are a few tips you can follow to decide how to choose between window repair or replacement and gain the most efficiency.
When to Repair
Simply put, window repair is best reserved for situation in which the noticeable damage is spotty and only appears at certain parts of the window in question. A simple cracked pane, a peeling paintjob or another localized issue that doesn’t extend beyond a specific point of your window can typically repaired at a much lower cost than would be required for a complete window replacement. However, keep in mind that the professionals doing repairs might uncover underlying issues later on that merit replacement.
When to Replace
As you might suspect, you’ll need to utilize window replacement over window repair in instances when the damage to your window is extensive, and perhaps even spreads into the frame and wall surrounding the installation. This step can seem rather expensive at first, but it’s not something you should skip or ignore. Replacing a used-up window can save you some serious cash on bills in the coming months.
Knowing when to replace your windows or invest in window repair is the key if you’re looking to protect your home this winter. Simply follow this rule of thumb on how to choose between window repair or replacement and gain the most efficiency to keep your house snug this winter and your budget under control.